This mechanic allows your companion to temporarily use one of your weapons as he sees fit. Also included with the Red Dead Redemption 2 companion mod is the new “give weapon” mechanic. Once the mod has been installed, targeting a selected Van Der Linde gang member opens a new set of options, including a “command” option. Your companion will aid you in combat, ride with you on a horse, chill in your camps, fish with you, and much more! That includes Javier, John, Bill, Hosea, Kieran, Sean, Charles, Lenny, and Micah! (Yes this will extend to Sadie in the future too) You simply walk up to one of them and press the recruit prompt. You can now take one of your fellow Van Der Linde gang members as your companion.
RDR2 Mod ‘Dismember Everyone’ Lets You Reach Maximum Gore An interesting new Red Dead Redemption 2 companion mod has been released for PC, which allows players to recruit other gang members as companions.Ĭreated by modder ‘Bolmin’, his companion system mod doesn't only allow users to take one of your gang members along, but also comes with plenty of customization options and the ability to actually talk to companions.